Embracing Inclusivity?

My Journey Celebrating the Beauty of Diversity through Music Exploration

Akash dhotre
4 min readAug 30, 2023

In a world that thrives on diversity, I have embarked on a personal journey to embrace inclusivity through music. Through my experiences as an engineer, music therapist, and writer, I have come to understand the immense power of inclusivity in fostering connection, personal growth, and acceptance. In this article, I invite you to join me as I share my personal journey and the transformative power of music exploration, highlighting the beauty of diversity it brings.

Breaking Barriers through Music
As an Indian engineer holding a guitar, my journey into music therapy opened my eyes to the universal language that transcends borders and cultures. Attending Latin dance sessions in vibrant locations like Washington Square Park and Central Park has been a transformative experience. Engaging in these energetic dance sessions has helped me develop a deeper appreciation for Latin music. The rhythmic beats and infectious melodies have not only expanded my musical horizons but also allowed me to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Through the power of dance and music, we create an inclusive space where cultural boundaries dissolve, and the joy of Latin music unites us all.

Jazz Bars: Cultivating a Love for Jazz
Exploring the jazz scene in various bars has been a captivating journey. From intimate settings to lively jazz clubs, each venue offers a unique experience. The harmonious balance of my engineering background and artistic endeavors has allowed me to approach inclusivity with a holistic mindset. The precision and problem-solving skills from engineering lend structure to my endeavors, while the artistry allows me to tap into my emotions, connect with others, and transcend the boundaries of language and culture. These jazz bars have become melting pots of talent, drawing musicians from all corners of the globe. Through these encounters, I have witnessed firsthand the power of inclusivity as musicians come together, sharing their passion and expertise, creating a harmonious environment that celebrates diversity.

Music Inns: Where Musicians Unite
Visiting music inns, such as the oldest store in New York City, has been an extraordinary experience. These establishments serve as meeting points for musicians from around the world, each bringing their unique cultural influences and musical styles. In these intimate settings, I have had the privilege of witnessing impromptu jam sessions and collaborations that transcend language barriers. The shared love for music creates a universal language that unites individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of community and inclusivity.

The Awakening of Words and Personal Growth through Acceptance
In my pursuit of inclusivity, I discovered the art of writing as a catalyst for change. Through the written word, I have found a platform to express my thoughts, share experiences, and ignite conversations that challenge societal norms. The awakening of words has fueled my commitment to amplifying the message of inclusivity. Embracing inclusivity has not only impacted the world around me but has also transformed me from within. It has taught me the importance of acceptance, not just of others but also of myself. Through the journey of self-discovery, I have learned to celebrate my own uniqueness and embrace the diversity that surrounds me. This personal growth has become a source of strength in my commitment to inclusivity, propelling me to continually evolve and learn from the diverse perspectives and experiences of those around me.

My personal journey of embracing inclusivity through music exploration has been a profound and transformative experience. By attending Latin dance sessions, visiting jazz bars, and immersing myself in music inns, I have cultivated a deep appreciation for the beauty of diversity within the realm of music. The intersection of my engineering background and artistic endeavors has brought me to a harmonious balance of logic and creativity, allowing me to approach inclusivity with a holistic mindset. These experiences have taught me that by embracing different genres and immersing ourselves in various cultural traditions, we open our hearts and minds to the transformative power of inclusivity. Let us continue to celebrate diversity and create spaces where the universal language of music unites us all, fostering understanding, connection, and harmony. Together, let us embrace inclusivity, nurturing empathy, and creating a world where inclusivity is not just an ideal, but a living reality.



Akash dhotre

I help decode Art & Science of Career, Interviews & Life. Call me Captain!