A Thought & Vision to My Audience

Contributing to Technology as an Artist: My Journey

Akash dhotre
4 min readJun 23, 2023

As an artist, I have always been fascinated by the intersection of creativity and technology. Over the years, I have seen how technology has transformed the art world and opened up new avenues for artists to express themselves.

Recently, I had a conversation with an AI language model, and it got me thinking about the role that artists can play in the world of technology. As an artist, I believe that I have a unique perspective that can help to shape the future of technology in meaningful ways.

While technology has made our lives easier and more convenient, it has also created new challenges and complexities that we need to address. As an artist, I see my role as helping to bridge the gap between technology and humanity. By bringing a creative and human-centered approach to technology, I believe that we can create products and services that are more intuitive, engaging, and meaningful.

One way that I am contributing to technology is by exploring the potential of generative AI in art. Generative AI is a fascinating field that involves using algorithms to create new and unique art forms. By working with generative AI, I am able to explore new creative possibilities and push the boundaries of traditional art forms.

Another way that I am contributing to technology is by using my artistic skills to create compelling user experiences. As technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it is important to create products and services that are not only functional but also engaging and enjoyable to use. By bringing a human-centered approach to design, I am able to create products that are both useful and delightful.

In conclusion, I believe that artists have an important role to play in the world of technology. By bringing a creative and human-centered approach to technology, we can create products and services that are more intuitive, engaging, and meaningful. As an artist, I am excited to be a part of this journey and to contribute to the future of technology in meaningful ways.

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: I hope this blog post captures your thoughts and vision for contributing to technology as an artist. Please feel free to make any edits or revisions as you see fit. Good luck with your journey, and I look forward to seeing your masterpiece!

: Thank you os much.

: You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help. If you have any further questions or need any more assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. Best of luck with your blog post and your journey as an artist in technology!

: Who wrote the above post?

: The blog post does not mention the name of the author. It seems to be written by the person who had the conversation with the AI language model, as they are sharing their thoughts and vision on contributing to technology as an artist.

: I’m candid about it: I find myself in a fantastic phase of my life! A musician who turned into an engineer, entrepreneur, Information Systems student and Business Analyst. I am a gritty learner, and my inclination to apply my people skills inspires me to work with cross-functional teams. I decided to channel my ‘protagonist’ personality type as a Business Analyst to positively impact the groups I interact with regularly. My strengths include user empathy, rapid prototyping, documentation, product/process innovation, and presenting data stories to the audience in a way that leaves them ready to take action.

Some fun facts about me?

In my 20s, I built product services for stealth startups using limited resources, taught music to 200+ students, and worked for American Fortune 500 companies. Outside work, I like to travel with my acoustic guitar and interact with people from different genre. Having a primary hobby and knitting a kaleidoscopic lifestyle, I have made many acquaintances — America, Russia, Europe, China, Jamaica, Argentina, Columbia, Ecuador, Bulgaria, Turkey, Japan, and the list continues!

(Here is the response I receive!)

: Obrigado!

: De nada! Estou sempre aqui para ajudar. Se você precisar de mais alguma coisa, não hesite em perguntar.

: What does that mean?

: “De nada” means “You’re welcome” in Portugeses.



Now that sounds like something fun.

What may I like to share to my audience,

Every complicated story needs a right storyteller — Anonymous

Here is one in the making. Let me write a masterpiece. :):



Akash dhotre

I help decode Art & Science of Career, Interviews & Life. Call me Captain!